Monday, November 1, 2010

Huawei EchoLife BM626 BM625 wimax modem - DNS Hack

BM626 & BM625 are preventing client pcs to use their own dns server, and redirect all dns queries to he router default dns server, which is something bothering us all.

Therefore, follow these steps to configure your own DNS settings:

Using cat command
1. make sure you have telnet (or putty) and the Lan access is selected from Advanced > ACL in the router web configuration page.
2. login to the router using wimax:wimax820 (make sure to choose telnet in putty)
3. type sh
4. type cd etc
5. type cat  resolv.conf, and remember the output
6. type cat  > resolv.conf, in the new line type nameserver
7. click ctrl+j for new line, then ctrl+d for exit
8. type cat resolv.conf, to check if the dns has changed.
9. type in the command prompt ipconfig /flushdns to delete the cached dns and activate the new one

Using TFTP Server
1. download TFTP server, you can try SolarWinds'
2. install it then run it
3. click on Configure, then click Browse and choose a valid folder, and remember your choice
4. disable your firewall (or you can open a UDP port no 69)
5. type ctrl+r, then type cmd then OK (make sure you have telnet in your pc or you can use putty)
6. type telent (the IP of your router)
7. for the Login type wimax, and for password type wimax820
8. type sh then enter
9. type cd etc
10. type tftp -s -l resolv.conf 192.168.1.xx (xx change it with your pc IP)
11. browse to the TFTP folder which you chose, and text edit the file resolv.conf
12 change the IP Number after the word nameserver to what ever DNS you like (let's choose google and
13. save and exit
14. go back to the command prompt, and type tftp -g -r resolv.conf 192.168.1.xx (xx change it with your pc IP)
15. type in the command prompt ipconfig /flushdns to delete the cached dns and activate the new one

HavE Fun


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hello, Thanks for the Solution..

    I tried it and it works just fine,

    the problem is that everytime I reboot the device, the DNS goes back to the one provided by my ISP,

    any way i can disable it from getting the DNS from the ISP so i dont have to do this over and over again ?


  3. thanks man but how we can save those changes coz now when its rebooted everything go back to normal


  4. thanks for this information, but i have the same problem with hatem everything comeback when i rebot the modem, and when change DNS can`t browes any sites, thanks agian.

  5. hi,
    i have followed all the steps , but when i check if the DNS has changed m i get empty line ?
    please help
